Going on a Bear Hunt: Campfire Song


Our favorite thing about camping is the campfire! What better fun to have around the campfire than to sing a campfire song with the kids. When our kids were little, we would sing our favorite songs around the campfire. When I was a kid, my music teacher would sing the first part and we would sing the second part. We suggest you do the same with your kids!

I have included a PDF download at the end if you prefer to print the words and take them with you or you can click on the picture of the lyrics below.

bear hunt song lyrics


We’re going on a bear hunt (repeat)

I’ve got my binoculars (repeat)

I’m not scared (repeat)

Oh, Look at that tall wavy grass

It’s so tall

Can’t go over it (repeat)

Can’t go under it (repeat)

Just going to have to go through it (repeat)

swish swish swish

We’re going on a bear hunt (repeat)

I’ve got my binoculars (repeat)

I’m not scared (repeat)

Uh oh, there’s a big river

Can’t go over it (repeat)

Can’t go under it (repeat)

Going to have to swim it (repeat)

splash splash splash

We’re going on a bear hunt (repeat)

I’ve got my binoculars (repeat)

I’m not scared (repeat)

Ugh, look at all that mud

So muddy

Can’t go over it (repeat)

Can’t go under it (repeat)

Going to have to go through it

squish squish squish

We’re going on a bear hunt (repeat)

I’ve got my binoculars (repeat)

I’m not scared (repeat)

Uh oh, what’s that

It’s a cave

We can’t go over it (repeat)

We can’t go under it (repeat)

Going to have to go into it

step step step

We’re going on a bear hunt (repeat)

I’ve got my binoculars (repeat)

I’m not scared

I’m a little scared

Sure is dark in here

What’s that in the corner

I feel 2 big ears (repeat)

I feel 1 wet nose (repeat)

I feel 2 sharp teeth (repeat)

I know what that is

It’s a bear

Let’s get out of here

Let’s run out of the cave

step step step

Quickly back through the mud

squish squish squish

Let’s cross the river

splash splash splash

Through the tall grass

swish swish swish

Through the yard, up the stairs, into the house, close the door

We’re safe

That’s a close one

Let’s not go bear hunting anymore!

Printable Download

If you want a free copy of the lyrics to use you can find it here.


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