Easy Camper Storage Ideas and Tips for Clothes


We have a popup camper, trust me when I say that we know a thing or two about camper storage ideas and hacks. We have tried so many things. In this post, we are going to show you what we use now and what we have tried in the past (with our other campers).

If you have been around this blog, you know that we have had (almost) all the different types of campers. We started out with a tent, bought a bumper pull, upgraded to a fifth wheel, went back to a tent and are now in our (favorite) popup camper.

Even with the bigger campers, one of the biggest issues is camper clothes storage ideas. If you are camping for any length of time, you will need lots of clothes. It’s not like staying in a resort with a washer and dryer. Most of our trips (with kids) consisted of getting dirty and being outside.

clothes storage ideas for a camper

Shoe Storage

There are many ways you can store shoes when you are camping. We made our popup can open concept remodel, so there is lots of “underneath” storage. We usually will either keep our shoes under the couch in or out of a bin, or we have a Rubbermaid bin that we will keep right outside the camper (to keep them dry).

We have seen people use hanging shoe holders in their campers too.

hanging shoe organizer

Storage Bins

I have several different kinds of storage bins in my camper. We have totes, ones with drawers and open cloth ones.

I keep the one with drawers on the counter. The others go under the couch. Clothes and blankets are stored in all of them. We even have a large tote with kitchen stuff in it.

popup remodel
view of popup camper

Command Hooks

Putting command hooks throughout your camper can be a great place to hang jackets and towels. We definitely utilize this camper clothes storage idea.

We get the white ones because they blend in with the wall color, but you can also go with clear. We would also recommend using the ones that can hold at least 2 pounds.

Collapsable Hamper

This is one thing I highly recommend: a collapsible hamper. I use my Thirty-One bag, but you can use whatever works for you (I just happen to have 2).

What I normally do is pack clothes in it, and when we get to the site, I will put the clothes up and then place it in the cabinet that’s under our bed (which is the pass-through storage). I can then keep it out of the way and put dirty clothes in it.

It’s perfect because when I get home, I take it straight to the washer!

camper storage

Underneath Storage

Anywhere in your camper that you can have storage under something, utilize it! That was the entire purpose behind our remodel. We all know how small popup campers can be, so you have to use every available space. With ours being open, I can get to what I need so easily.

view of popup camper

Our Fridge (yep, you read that right lol)

Since we have a small popup camper, we decided not to use the fridge because it just doesn’t keep things cold like ice. So, we unhooked it and I use it for my clothes closet.

It worked for us because we didn’t have to take it out and try to figure out how to fill the space and make it look pretty. Plus, it has adjustable shelves.

The first picture below is before we finished our remodel and before I started using it as a closet, but you get the idea. Plus- you CAN use it to store food…the fridge seals, so this keeps it cool (even though it’s not hooked up), and it keeps critters and bugs out of it.

popup camper fridge

When we remodeled and decided to keep the fridge for storage, I covered the outside in contact paper. This gave me the perfect place to put the stickers I received from the @rvstickerclub.

popup camper fridge

Add Extra Shelves

Inside of RV closets, there is a lot of wasted space. You can add shelves above or below to give you some extra room. I had my husband add a shelve to the cabinet next to the fridge and it helps out tremendously.

cabinet from an rv

If this post was useful and you would like to see more, check out our guide to popup camping and our post on what we use for a toilet in our popup camper.


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